Diana Lee's Feedback:

Bambi 1 Mobile: The text gets a little lost at the bottom where the grass is. Also, dont forget to optically align the text. Also, its a little weird how Bambi is 1/2 in the image–cropped weirdly try taking him out all together. I would blur the top 1/2 or even edit out the harsh black lines.

Bambi 2 mobile: I would think about type choice overall, the text seems a little harsh compared to the night delicate images. Again, optically align text. I think you should think about putting more than one word on each line of text. Really nice placement and good image for white space.

Bambi 3 mobile: So cute. I would do a gradient blur but the placement is nice. The grass going into the goodnight is distracting. Could you push the image down and then have the quotation on the top?

Bambi 11 web: For the 2nd quotation you dont need the quotation makes at the beginning. I feel like the two parts dont really link together that well. Maybe make the text larger.

Bambi 22 web: Great placement and white space!

Bambi 33 web: The placement seems off especially because the image is slanted so it feels like the text is slanted.

From Rachel Zemser